
Acoustic Consulting & Studio Design

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 View of AIKON Studio A, a movie mixing stage completely designed and planned by Digital Natural Sound | Photos © 2012 Luigi Caputo

You can't "plugin" this.

Even in the digital age, where sophisticated audio plugins can faithfully recreate the sound of expensive vintage audio equipment, there is no substitute for the unique acoustic characteristics of a great sounding room, such as the smooth and diffuse reverberation in a large concert hall, or the perfectly balanced acoustics of a mixing or mastering studio. The reason for this is that no plugin or post-processing can fix problems caused by time-delay induced distortions (for example comb filtering or excessive reverberation time), or by insufficient soundproofing.

Due to budget restrictions or lack of specific knowledge in the field of acoustics, it often happens that the usability of purpose-built audio or AV facilities is severely compromised by poor acoustic performance, caused by fundamental flaws in planning and construction.

We offer you professional acoustic consulting and design services and can help you improve the acoustic perormance of existing rooms. Of course we can also take care of the complete planning, design and construction of your new AV facility: this guarantees that the rooms will perform exactly as specified and that there will be no additional expenses on top of the planned budget.

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AIKON Studio A as 3D CAD visualization and the completed room | Photo © 2012 Luigi Caputo

Acoustic Consulting & Design: from Home Theatre to Professional Studio

There are solutions for all budgets: from the sound optimization of existing rooms up to the complete planning and construction of a professional multi-room studio facility. We can help you build great sounding rooms including:

  • professional recording, mixing & mastering studios
  • LEDE, RFZ, ESS and "Jensen" type rooms
  • movie mixing stages
  • project studios
  • home studios
  • home theaters

Our range of services includes:

  • initial consulting, budget planning, sketches
  • detailed acoustic planning (sound insulation, room modes, reverberation time, frequency response, etc.)
  • room architectural and structural design
  • design of custom acoustic elements (reflectors, absorbers, diffusors, bass-traps, platforms, etc.)
  • Computer Aided Design (CAD) including 3D visualization, materialization and lighting
  • additional consulting for the HVAC, electrical and lighting systems
  • audio and video gear choice (speakers, screens, projectors, mixing desks, etc.)
  • detail planning of stereo, 5.1 and 7.1 surround speaker placement
  • planning of projector and projection screen placement
  • accurate audio measurements of the room acoustic performance
  • room and speaker optimization (time delay adjustment, digital EQ, etc.)

Please contact us if you would like a quote for your next project.

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Digital Natural Sound has several years of experience in acoustic consulting services. Among the projects we have been involved with:

  • 2001, University Mozarteum Salzburg: design and realization of the the Medialab, together with the colleagues Iwan Pasuchin and Johannes Prischl (www.medialab.moz.ac.at ).
  • 2006, University Mozarteum Salzburg: design and realization of the new Medialab facility in the new Mozarteum building in Mirabellplatz.
  • 2006, University Mozarteum Salzburg: design and specifications of the new recording and mixing studios (the detail plan and building were then carried out by other companies).
  • 2005-2006, FH Salzburg: development of the new recording and mixing studio in Puch, Salzburg, in collaboration with WSDG (www.wsdg.com) in . Specifically: room layout and specifications; consulting for further refinements in design and surround speaker positioning. The final detail plans and building supervision were carried out by WSDG.
  • 2010, KK Studios: planning of the studio layout (control room, live room, sound lock), room modes, reverberation time; consulting for the ongoing construction.
  • 2010: acoustic consulting for AIKON Media & Technology to improve the existing movie mixing room in Alpenstrasse (Salzburg); calculation of the current room characteristics, planning of the required acoustic treatment, supervision of the module montage and measurement of the finished room.
  • 2006-2012: complete acoustic planning and design of the new Digital Natural Sound studios, to be completed in 2015.
  • 2011-2012: complete acoustic planning and design of the new AIKON Media & Technology studios, a full service postproduction facility located in Grödig (near Salzburg, AT), as well as supervising the ongoing construction and performing the final audio measurements and speaker DSP optimization.
  • 2013-2014, Orchesterhaus Salzburg: acoustic measurement and recommended acoustic improvements for the Mozarteumorchester "Orchesterhaus" in Salzburg - in collaboration with the internationally renowned studio design company WSDG (www.wsdg.com)
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Projects Gallery

Click on the images below to start the slide show, then use the <- arrows -> on your keyboard to navigate.


AIKON Media & Technology 2012 | Salzburg, AT


Views of the completed AIKON studios and the final technical specifications | Photos © 2012 Luigi Caputo | © 2011-2012 Michele Gaggia

Please visit the AIKON Media & Technology 2012 page for more information and 3D CAD views.


KK-Studios | Salzburg, AT


Views of the the original plan by Digital Natural Sound and the finished studio | Photos © 2012 Krystian Koenig

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