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Musical Instruments

 dns studios jd800 01

Novation Supernova Analogue Sound Modelling Synthesizer

Acoustic Instruments | Hardware Synthesizers | VST Instruments

Hardware synthesizers: Novation Supernova, Roland JD-800, Korg M1-EX with optional SAM1 sample expander, Korg P3, etc.

Software samplers and synthesizers: Spectrasonics (Omnisphere, Trillian, StylusRMX), Native Instrument Komplete 10 Ultimate (Kontakt 5, Reaktor 5.8, Massive, Hammond B4 II, Pro-53, FM8, Absynth 5, Battery 4, Spark, Prism, Monark, Retro Machines MK2, Heavyocity Gravity & Aeon, Archetype, Damage, Evolve Mutations 1/2, Kinetic Metal, Action Strikes, Action Strings, The Grandeur, The Gentleman, The Grandeur, The Maverick, Alicias Keys, Vintage Organs, Cuba, West Africa, Balinese Gamelan, George Duke Soul Treasures, Retro Machines, Rise & Hit, Scarbee Funk Guitarist, Scarbee E-Basses,  Session Hrons Pro, Session Strings, Session Strings Pro, Drum Lab, Studio Drummer, Abbey Road Drummer, etc.), Waldorf (PPG Wave 2.V, Attack, D-Pole), etc.

Acoustic instruments: Bechstein concert grand piano (276 cm), built in 1928, Grimaldi type harpsichord, African djembes, udus, didgeridoos, etc. Studio drum set complete with cymbals and other instruments available on demand.

Hardware Synthesizers

  • Novation Supernova ASM (Analogue Sound Modelling) synthesizer with OS v3.0 - 20 voice polyphony, 56 simultaneous effects
  • Korg M1-EX AI synthesis music workstation (with additional PCM sample cards, program cards and SAM1 interface)
  • Roland JD800 Synthesizer with custom sound library
  • SAM1 sample expander module for the Korg M1
  • Korg P3 digital piano module (with additional PCM sample cards)
  • Quasimidi Technox techno-rave-electronic sound module
  • Instrument parameters can be edited through MIDI with the Mackie Control surfaces
  • Automation of all parameters supported with Cubase and Pro Tools

VST Instruments

  • Spectrasonics Instruments: Omnisphere, Trinity, Trillian and StylusRMX (incl. all additional libraries)
  • Native Instruments Komplete 10 Ultimate: Kontakt 5 sampler, Reaktor 5.8 modular synthesizer, Massive Wavetable Synthesizer, B4 II Hammond Organ, Pro-53 Prophet 5 emulation, FM8 FM synthesizer, Absynth 5 modular/hybrid synthesizer, Battery 4 drum/percussion module, Spark, Prism, Monark, Retro Machines MK2, etc.
  • Kontakt Libraries: Heavyocity Gravity & Aeon, Archetype, Damage, Evolve Mutations 1/2, Kinetic Metal, Action Strikes, Action Strings, The Grandeur, The Gentleman, The Grandeur, The Maverick, Alicias Keys, Vintage Organs, Cuba, West Africa, Balinese Gamelan, George Duke Soul Treasures, Retro Machines, Rise & Hit, Scarbee Funk Guitarist, Scarbee E-Basses,  Session Hrons Pro, Session Strings, Session Strings Pro, Drum Lab, Studio Drummer, Abbey Road Drummer, etc.
  • Waldorf Instruments: PPG Wave 2.V wavetable synthesizer, Attack drum computer, D-Pole analogue filter emulation
  • Independence Free sampler
  • Emagic ES1 virtual analogue synthesizer, ES2 vector/wavetable synthesizer, EVOC 20 vocoder, EVP 88 virtual E-Piano
  • Cockaigne Audio Instruments: Oberon Poly 8 (virtual analogue), Satyr-8 (VA), Quantum 64 (inspired from the Commodore 64 SID), Panzertank PM4 (FM), Phibes (electric organ), Morpheus (FM sampler)
  • TobyBear Audio Instruments: Borderliner and MorphOne
  • Muon Software Audio Instruments: Tau Bassline (a Roland TB 303 clone)

Sound & Sample Libraries

  • Large custom DNS sound and sample library for Kontakt 3
  • Vienna Symphony Library OPUS 1 and OPUS 2 orchestra samples for Kontakt 3
  • Large sample library including: SpectraSonics Liquid Grooves, Burning Grooves and Distorted Reality, Conexant GigaSampler GS Library, etc.
  • All outboard MIDI effects controllable over the Cubase DAW
  • Additional sounds and samples available on demand

Acoustic Instruments

  • Bechstein concert grand piano (length: 273 cm). Built in the 1928, this is one of the finest instruments of this kind ever made. The mechanic has been recently re-calibrated and is in perfect working conditions.
  • Grimaldi type Harpsichord, 1 manual, 8'+8' registers, 415 and 440 pitch (transposing keyboard)
  • African djembe, 3 didgeridoos, 2 udus, woodblocks, shakers, etc.
  • Studio drum set complete with cymbals and other instruments available on demand.
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